IKONIH products have acquired various certifications:

CE Certification
CE Certification is for products sold in EU member states and can only be awarded to products in compliance with strict safety regulations.

KC Certification
KC Certification is Korea’s strict safety certification system that ensures product safety from product design drawings.

ST Mark
Established in 1971, ST Mark defines three inspection items, “mechanical and physical characteristics,” “flammability,” and “chemical substance,” and can only be awarded to products that pass rigorous inspections.
F ★★★★ (Foster) adhesive is used in this product.
IKONIH uses a small amount of F ★★★★ (Foster) grade adhesives in its products. F ★★★★ is the grade given to adhesives that have passed the strict safety standards of the Building Standards Act. Note: Formaldehyde is a chemical substance contained in adhesives, paints, and wallpaper pastes, etc, and is emitted slowly from furniture and building materials. If you are inside a room that is contaminated with formaldehyde, you may feel irritation to your eyes and respiratory tract. High concentrations may cause respiratory distress. By using the minimum amount of F ★★★★ grade adhesives, IKONIH enhances the safety and health of our customers.

The warmth of the original is retained because it is left in its natural state, unpainted.
Each piece of unpainted hinoki wood is unique and beautiful. Being unpainted, you can enjoy the rich scent of the wood. Being unpainted, you can feel the grain itself, which if damaged by scratches or dirt can easily be revived by light cleaning and sanding. Being unpainted, you can be confident that your child can play safely and happily. Being unpainted, the wood reveals every flaw, hole, or scratch, allowing us to choose only the most beautiful pieces, so we can deliver genuine products in their original form just as they are found in nature.

Hinoki – Change Over TimeHinoki becomes even more beautiful over time.
When bathed in sunlight, hinoki will change to a deep and golden amber color. In the days when wooden houses were common, hinoki was used in verandas and people often enjoyed watching the changing colors of the wood as the light coming from the garden changed in hue and intensity.
As your children grow and change, so too does the color of hinoki wood. Please enjoy this joyous change with your family.
Hinoki – Change Over Time

How about giving a unique present, a one of a kind gift to that special loved one. You can have dates, a birthday or anniversary message, or any special message, laser embossed on many IKONIH toys.

■ Target products: Mini-kitchen, Food Set, Refrigerator, Music Box, Music Train, Working Car Series, Building Blocks Deluxe, Building Blocks, Rattle Series, Swing Bubbles, Fishing Set, Mechanic Set, 26 sided Storage Game, Number Tower, Alphabet, Jumbo Swing Bubbles, Drop box, Working Set
■ Number of Processable Characters: Up to 15
■ Available fonts: POP type, Gothic type, Mincho type, Round Gothic, Chopin Script
Available characters and styles: Alphabet (uppercase / lowercase), Japanese (Hiragana / Katakana / Kanji), Logo illustrations, Symbols
※ Some products cannot be embossed due to size and space limitations.
Please note.
※ This applies only to Ikonih products in Japan
Font List for Names
POP/Gothic/Mincho/Maru Gothic/CHOPIN SCRIPT
With proper care and use, IKONIH products can be enjoyed for a long time.
● When the wood is scratched
If you have scratches or dirt, you can repair the wood by light sanding with the sandpaper that comes with the product.
● When sap comes out
Because it is unpainted, the wood may ooze sap during warm weather. Please remove sap by wiping with a rag and commercial alcohol, then use the sandpaper that comes with the product.
● When the wood is wet / or when put in the mouth
Please dry the wood in the shade as drying in the sun may cause cracking. In addition, please clean the wood surface after it has been in your child’s mouth.